Blog Spot!!


Wow! where has the time gone. It really has been a busy few months for me health wise also have been working hard to finish my sound healing course. I had to put that back due to lots of medical appointments, but i am really pleased to be able confirm I am a certified sound practioner. Also i finally got my case studies over to my Angelic Reiki Teacher and i have received  my certificate so i can now do Angelic Reiki.

The appointment system i had set up via Square didn't work to how i wanted it to. I am in process of setting up Freesha i will be adding that over within next couple of weeks, its alot more user friendly for both small business and also the end user. I have personally used before when booking hair appointments.

I will be running couples or even 2 friends multi discount again so keep your eyes peeled.

After Christmas i will be looking at my prices again  and bring inline to local area.  It may mean a couple may go up a bit and others may stay same. I am looking to reduce the chakra balancing. Anyone who has crystal healing i do also balance the chakras.






Well here I am back again for this month. I really cant believe that we are getting close to my birthday month.

Anyway this month i am looking for some volunteers. I would like to do a sound session one evening.  It will be via Zoom all i need you to do is write a testimonial for me. 

Please let me know if interested.

If you are looking to book any appointments please get in touch  as spaces are filling up so quick.  Also please note  all treatments can be done distantly either via video call or by sending a photo. Photo is usually the best way for animals and children as getting them to sit still can be an issue.

Tomorrow I am at an event at Rainham Acadamy.  Bookings taken prior to the event will have entrance fee deducted off the treatment or reading price.

 Anyway  please take care and catch up soon 




Oh what a few months. I had to take time out while I faced one of the biggest challenges in my life. 

Before Christmas I needed to have a few blood tests which resulted in some procedures that I have have had over past few months. I am alot better than I was as the new year arrived. But I still have work to do.

From 18th April I am able to do mobile healing sessions. Prior to that I am doing card readings on zoom, WhatsApp by phone or video, or email. Do pop me a message for more information.

Don't forget it's a full moon so get those crystals out tonight.



Take care and catch up soon xxx




Happy Monday,

Hope you have had a good weekend.

I was lucky enough to attend an event at Longfield Acadamy in Kent. There was a steady flow and it was lovely to see people who I haven’t seen in a while. One of my clients was a dog. This poor doggy came in struggling with anxiety.  Luckily I was able to give this poor lovely some reiki. As you can see from the photo, she was very relaxed after.

This time of year a lot of animals struggle due to fireworks, causing alot of anxiety, not only on Bonfire Night but for weeks before and after during firework season. Anxiety can appear before they actually even hear a firework, animals can associate the colder weather, leaves falling from the trees etc. If you notice your pet being stressed this time of year there are alot of products out there, Music for pets, plug ins, drugs and also holistic therapies.  some people will tell you to ignore the signs when a firework goes off but you know your pet and will know how to react. Be cautious as your pet may want to just be alone, so may bite or scratch. 

If you want more information on Animal Reiki or any of the other therapies, please pop me a message. I can do them either face to face or distantly. 



Happy Monday, 

Did you have a good weekend?  I did an event in Rainham in Kent. Unfortunately the traffic in the area caused issues for any on coming along so it was very quiet. I am glad though as I was able to speak about  animal reiki and how it works. It really is so wonderful to be able to connect to your pets. I also connect to wildlife too. I have a fox family that visit our street. Its always lovely to see them.  I often send reiki as I do like to see them playing outside.

Just a reminder on Sunday 1st October the introductory offer will be finished so book yourself in for a session of either Reiki, Rahanni, Crystal Healing or Animal reiki for your pet for £30 for upto an hour.


If you book before Sunday and I cannot fit you in until next week, I will still honor the offer.


Also if you would like to leave a review or comment please feel free


Have a fab week. xx




Apologies my blog hasn't been daily or even weekly, its not something I am used to for many years.

Well what I have I been up to??  Sunday I took part in an animal communication workshop.  I was amazed how easy it was for me to connect and have a chat with the animals. I had one dog that I connected to, the first thing I was being shown was something like trolls doll head, it was the hair that drew me in.  The troll was confirmed to be a toy with  the troll hair. I also got that the dog who I will call L for the purpose of this blog. L was excited on that particular day that her nanny was looking after her. It was confirmed at the time I had connected that she had been doing some training with Nanny and getting lots of treats. then finally I was able to confirm that in recent weeks that L got a grass seed in her ear and needed to go to the vets and didn't like the smells, I reassured her that it was normal to feel like that and it was to help her feel better when she needed treatment.

Also in recent weeks I have been attuned to Angelic Reiki Levels 1 & 2, more attunements in October, then in November I will finally receive practitioners certification.

Still going through my crystal stock so if you are interested please let me know.


Day one of the website:

I have finally pressed publish,  My website is finally live.  I really can't wait to share lots of information. For those who don't know me I am a crystal addict.  I have so many of my own crystals, that's not including the crystals l have remaining from my crystal business, I enjoyed my time selling crystals but I have been more drawn to healing so here I am

So I have a crystal sale over on  Facebook, pop on over and have a browse.

I have a special offer up until 1st October all healing is £30 for up to an hour.  That is face to face and distant healing. (There may be an additional charge for excess miles)

Feel free to add any comments 

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